Account Receivable Reconciliation report

Account Receivable Reconciliation report

Please follow the steps below to navigate to this report:
  1. Click on "Reports"
  2. Click on "Billing"
  3. Select "Account Receivable Reconciliation"
  4. The clinic can filter this report by date(s) as well
When using the AR reconciliation report, it is pulling information based on the date of the invoice and will constantly change due to how the information is generated. This report is best used in conjunction with the Accounts Receivable report to compare and get the most accurate information regarding any outstanding balances or updates when balances have been paid.

The totals on these two reports will update whenever an open invoice is edited (adding or removing items on another day to an open invoice) or when the balance is paid. Clients will no longer show on the AR reports when the payment is made in full so this will also cause those numbers to continually change. We have also recently added an Accounts Receivable Out of Period Sales report that will help fill in any information for items that were added to invoices outside of the selected date range for these reports. 

One thing to keep in mind is the reports that pull information based on the invoice date and the reports that pull information based on the record creation date will not show tally information when compared to each other since the information is pulled from different areas to compile these numbers.

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