Adjusting inventory balances

Adjusting inventory balances

If the balance of an inventory item is different from the actual balance on hand, an adjustment needs to be recorded to correct the difference and document the change.  Adjustments can be recorded on the inventory item's overall balance, or against a specific purchase.  Adjustments for controlled substances are automatically logged in the Controlled Substances Log.

If you are tracking inventory to the lot number for an item, you'll want to first ensure that the individual purchase balances are accurate.  Here's how to adjust lot number balances.  If you are not tracking lot numbers for an item, you can skip to #2 below.

1. To record an adjustment to a purchase:
  1. Click on "Inventory"
  2. Search for the applicable inventory item
  3. Click on "purchases," and select "view purchases"
  4. Click on the gear icon for the purchase you wish to adjust, and select "adjust balance"
  5. Complete the form that appears, and click "save"
Once lot number balances are accurate, the next step is to adjust the top level balance to equal the sum of the purchase balances, or to just adjust the balance to match what is on hand if there are no purchases recorded.

2. To record an adjustment to an item's overall balance:
  1. Click on "Inventory"
  2. Search for the applicable inventory item
  3. Click on "adjustments" and select "new adjustment"
  4. Complete the form that appears, and click "save"
An adjustment records the actual balance on hand - the adjustment itself will be calculated automatically.

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