Appointment Confirmations and Reminders

Appointment Confirmations and Reminders

When initially scheduling an appointment, users will have the option to send a "Confirmation" message, as well as a "Reminder" message. See the below screenshot:

Confirmation: Sent immediately upon finishing the scheduling process, via the selected communication type. Includes standard appointment information by default, and can be customized using a letter template by changing the "Appointment Confirmation" Email Default, or the "Confirmation Email" selection for individual appointment types.

Reminder: Sent according to the "Send X Days/Weeks/Months" option that is presented when scheduling an appointment. Includes standard appointment information by default, and can be customized using a letter template by changing the "Appointment Reminder" Email Default, or the "Reminder Email" selection for individual appointment types. Regardless of what template is used, the reminder email will always include a link to confirm the appointment, appearing as a button at the end of the message.

To change the templates used for confirmations and reminders, review this article: Changing default email messages

Pre-Visit Confirmation: The new Pre-Visit Confirmation is an optional feature that allows clinics to set specific documents to be sent at a specific time before an appointment. This email includes an opportunity for clients to update their contact information, review important documents, sign documents, and confirm their appointment, if not already confirmed. The client can also add notes here that are visible in the notes of the appointment on the schedule. The configuration is static in terms of the time that the email is sent prior to each appointment (a time is selected when enabling the addon), but different documents can be used for individual appointment types. Please review the Knowledge Base article on this feature for some in-depth explanation: Pre-visit confirmations.

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