Appointment Status Update Through an Invoice

Appointment Status Update Through an Invoice

The status of an appointment can be updated through the invoice associated with the appointment. This can be very helpful when a provider is done seeing a patient, but needs to finish the patients record for the appointment. When the client goes to reception to check out, reception will be able to know if the provider is done adding records to the appointment by the 'Status' of the appointment. The provider can select 'Visit Complete' from within the invoice (this will reflect the 'Status' on the appointment within the schedule) so that reception knows they can check the patient out and take payment. This can be very helpful and save time with not having to verbally tell reception they are done with the patients record. The patient can also be checked out via the 'Appointment' tab from an invoice. 

The steps for how to update appointment status from an invoice:

1. Click the 'Appointments' tab within the applicable invoice.
2. Select which update you want to add to the appointment. You can select 'In room' (where you can select the room the patient is in) or it will show what room if the patient has already been assigned a room during check in. 'Visit Complete' is the next option and then 'Check Out' 
3. The selection will be updated within the appointment on the schedule.

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