Using the Asteris integration

Using the Asteris integration

Our integration with Asteris allows practices to submit digital imaging requests to their imaging devices from their Vetter accounts. When available, the images can be viewed directly from the medical record along with any available radiology reports, which are automatically imported into the medical record. Please note that a subscription to Asteris’ service is required in order to use this integration.

Enabling the Integration
To enable the integration:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on “add-ons”
  3. Click on the plus icon for the “Asteris Integration” line
  4. Complete the form that appears
Viewing and Renaming Your Devices
As part of the integration the software will import a list of the imaging devices available in the practice. To view the devices:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on “configurations” and select “view devices”
By default the devices will be named based on the type of device. For example, an ultrasound device will be named “ultrasound.” However, these names can be edited to make it easier to identify the specific device that the imaging request should be sent to when creating a medical record. To rename a device:
  1. Click on the edit icon for the applicable device
  2. Provide a display name in the form that appears
Mapping Inventory Items
As part of the integration, new inventory sub-categories will be created under the “Radiology” category. One sub-category will be created for each modality associated with the integrated imaging devices. For example, an “ultrasound” sub-category will be created if one of the imaging devices is an ultrasound. All of the inventory items associated with the various imaging devices need to be reassigned into one of these categories so that the integration can trigger the communication with the device when the corresponding medical record is created. To change an inventory item’s category:
  1. Navigate to the applicable inventory item profile in the Inventory module
  2. Click “edit item”
  3. Click on the “category” field and select the applicable sub-category under the “Radiology” category
  4. Click “Save + Done”
Submitting Image Request
Image requests are submitted as part of creating a medical record for the applicable inventory item. When completing the “new record” form, the option to “send to device” will default to the imaging device associated with the selected item. For example, if the “ultrasound” item is selected, the “send to device” field will select the available ultrasound devices. If more than one device is available for that type of image, the specific device can be selected for the list that appears. After the record is saved, an image request will be scheduled in Asteris Keystone for processing on the applicable device.

Viewing Images and Reports
Within three minutes of the image being available in Asteris Keystone, a link to view that image in Asteris’ online editor will be added to the medical record associated with the request. In addition, any available radiology reports will be imported as PDF attachments. Clicking on the image link will open the image in an online editor.

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