Auto Text Extender extension for Google Chrome

Auto Text Extender extension for Google Chrome


If you've been looking for a way to use text shortcuts that can result in automatically autocompleting text entries such as:  brb => be right back, this extension is a good solution.

This extension is not a Vetter Software product and we do not support this product directly.  It's mentioned in this article as an option that may be used to solve a particular clinic need.  


First you're going to want to install the Auto Text Extender extension:
  1. Open the Chrome Web Store.
  2. In the left column, click Apps or Extensions.
  3. Search for Auto Text Extender.
  4. Click Add to Chrome.
  5. Review the types of data that the extension will be able to access. 
  6. Click Add extension.


Next you're going to see the icon for Auto Text Extender on the right side of your browser bar.  Click on that extension icon and a website will appear where you can enter a shortcut and the long text to be associated with the shortcut.  There are some defaults there that may prove helpful when crafting your own shortcuts.


A shortcut that I created for myself:  jud8    %d(MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a), JU

Which results in the following when using the shortcode: May 2nd 2019, 9:12:21 am, JU

Once you've created your shortcut, you're going to need to "seed" the shortcut in Vetter.  Using the example above:
  1. Type in jud8^ (jud8<shift-6>) where you'd like the text to appear in Vetter (medical note, new communication etc.)
  2. Backspace over the jud8^ text
  3. Type in jud8 again and the long text for the shortcode will automatically populate

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