Checking in and checking out appointments

Checking in and checking out appointments

Checking in and checking out appointments is one of the core features of the schedule.  There are many automations and efficiencies that are tied into these two functions, including creating medical records and invoices, collecting payments, and exporting certificates.

To check in an appointment:
  1. Click on the appointment
  2. Click on "check in" at the bottom of the form
  3. You'll have a number of options to choose at this point, including:
  • Recording a patient's weight, which will create a vital sign record for that patient
  • Creating a medical note, which will then be available as a link in the appointment
  • Selecting a bundle, which will automatically create multiple medical records (and those will in turn update your bill, inventory balance, create reminders, and perform other "actions" that have been defined for those items in the Inventory module) 
  • Creating a new invoice or estimate for the appointment (you can also select an existing invoice, if one is available)
  • Printing a travel sheet, consent form, or other letter
      4.  Click "check in"

    To check out an appointment:
    1. Click on the appointment
    2. Review the invoice with the client by opening the invoice in a new tab
      1. If on a Windows computer, hold the ctrl key and click the invoice hyperlink
      2. If on an Apple computer, hold the command key and click the invoice hyperlink
      3. The invoice will open in a new tab and can be reviewed and/or added to
      4. When work is complete, close the invoice tab, dropping you back at the Appointment dialog
    3. Click on "check out" at the bottom of the form
    4. You'll have a number of options to choose at this point, including:
    • Selecting which invoices to pay.  By default, you'll see all of the client's open invoices.  Click on the "x" to remove an invoice.
    • Applying any available credits.  By default, you'll see all of the client's credits.  Click on the "x" to remove a credit.
    • Specifying how much you're collecting.  If the amount you're collecting is less than the total of the selected invoices, the amount will be applied to invoices in the order that they are listed.
    • Selecting the form of the payment
    • Selecting which documents to provide the client.  The invoices will appear by default, and you can add rabies or vaccines certificates, a reminder summary, and any other letter or medical note created as part of the appointment.  Click on this field to see the available documents.
    • Selecting whether to email or print the documents you selected above
         4.  Click "check out"

    An appointment can only be checked out after it has been checked in.

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