Contacts Module

Contacts Module

This article goes over what the contacts module is used for and how to utilize it. As opposed to the client and patient modules, which house all the information of your clinic's patients and their clients (owners of patients), the Contact module houses information on suppliers you use, veterinary hospitals, relationships of patients that are not listed as 'Owned by' and any other contacts your clinic has relations with. There are two options in the contacts module, 'Company' and 'Contact'. 

To create a 'New Contact':  (Same as creating a 'New Company')

1. Navigate to the Contact module
2. Select 'New Contact' on the top left of the module. ('New Company' for adding a company)
3. FIll out all the applicable information and select Save 

Contacts will be other people that need to be listed in the clinic's account that does not own a patient but has a relationship with. For example, someone who fosters, boards, grooms, emergency contact, etc. These contacts (relationships) can be added to a patient's profile as a relationship from the 'Relationship' tab in the applicable patient's profile. The clinic can add any person as a contact in this module that they need to have their information on file. 

In this module, the clinic will want to add their suppliers, other veterinary hospitals they work with, and any company they do business with as a 'Company'. Once a company contact is created, the clinic can select this contact in their account. For example, when adding a 'New Order or 'New Receipt' into the clinic's account, there is a 'Supplier' field. There is a dropdown that the clinic will be able to select any company contacts they have listed. Another example is if a clinic works with another hospital, and they need to export a patient's medical record. When exporting the record from a patient's profile, they can select the hospital's email to send the file to. 

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