Working with returns

Working with returns

Returns are used for recording when clients return purchased products.  They allow for recording the return of multiple items simultaneously, and provide a more clear record of the transaction than simply deleting the original record.     

To create a return:
  1. Click on Billing at the top of the page
  2. Click on the "Returns" tab, and select "New Return"
  3. Fill in the form that appears with appropriate client and other info, and click "Save"
  4. Click on the "Items" tab, and select "New Item"
  5. Fill in the form that appears, and click "Save + Done" (or "Save + Add New" to add another item)
  6. Click on "Post Return" in the blue navigation bar to post the return
  7. Fill in the form that appears, and click "Save"
Only items from paid invoices can be included in a return. If the item you wish to return is in an unpaid invoice, simply navigate to that invoice and remove the item.

When the return is posted, a corresponding refund or credit is created for the client.  Returns of items can be viewed under the "returns" tab in the inventory item's profile, as well as in the "billing" section of the client's profile.
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