Creating account statements for clients

Creating account statements for clients

Account statements can be created en masse through the Accounts Receivable report. To create account statements:
  1. Click on Reports at the top of the page
  2. Click on "Billing"
  3. Click on the 'Accounts Receivable' report
  4. Click on 'Print Statements' in the blue navigation bar
  5. Complete the form that appears and click 'Save'
The statements will be generated in the background while you continue working. You will be notified via a task when the statements are available for viewing and printing.
Please note that you can generate a single statement through the "Billing" tab in a client's profile. To do so, navigate to the client's profile, click on 'Billing' and select the option to generate an account statement.

Account statements can also be created in the Client profile. Follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Clients Dashboard
  2. Navigate to a specific Client
  3. Click on the Billing drop-down menu
  4. Select 'Account Statements'
  5. Select 'Print Statement'

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