Managing inventory subcategories

Managing inventory subcategories

Organizing your inventory items by category is one of the most important things you can do in order to track stock effectively, apply taxes accurately, and report the use of inventory items.  We use the AAHA Chart of Accounts as a starting point, but allow you to create your own sub-categories beneath these categories.

To create a new subcategory:
  1. Click on "Inventory"
  2. Click "Categories" and select "New Category"
  3. Choose Service or Inventory for the type. 
  4. Choose the relevant AAHA general category in the "Category" field
  5. Name the new sub-category as you wish in the "Sub Category" field
  6. Click "Save"
The Inventory type would typically include items that are physically on a shelf, and items for which you might track a balance.  Service type items usually include items that you create charges and medical records for as well, but they are services you perform, such as exams, surgeries, and procedures.  They are not usually physical items.

To edit a subcategory:
  1. Click on "Inventory"
  2. Click on "categories" and select "view all categories"
  3. Click on the gear icon for the applicable category and select the option to edit the category
  4. Make the desired changes in the form that appears and click save

To delete a subcategory:
  1. Click on "Inventory"
  2. Click "categories" and select "view categories"
  3. Click the gear icon for the applicable category, and select the delete option
  4. Confirm your intent to delete the category
You will not be able to delete a subcategory if there are any inventory items assigned to it.  You must first reassign these inventory items to another category by editing those inventory items.  Please also note, you cannot create, edit, or delete the main general categories (eg Immunizations, Pharmacy).  Those are "hard coded" in the system and necessary for the logic.

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