Working with medical note templates

Working with medical note templates

Medical notes (also known as "SOAPs") are used for documenting exam findings and plans.  Three medical note templates are available by default - Basic SOAP, Simple SOAP, and Standard SOAP.  The difference between the three is the level of detail in the "objective" section - the Standard SOAP is most detailed, and the Basic SOAP is least detailed.  All medical note templates are available for use when checking in an appointment, under "history" in the patient's profile, or when converting an estimate to an invoice.

In addition to these three templates, you can create your own custom templates.  When creating a custom medical note template, you may include any of over 400 pre-existing fields, as well as create your own custom fields.  Each field that is included in the template can also be pre-populated with default notes to speed up the note-taking process.  Medical note templates (like all templates) are managed in Settings.  

To create a medical note template:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "new template"
  3. Complete the form that appears, including selecting "medical note" as the type, and click save.  You will be redirected to a blank medical note template.
  4. On the left side of the screen, click on the arrow icon next to each section to expand that section.
  5. Click the checkbox of the field you want to include in your template (these fields may include custom fields).  Your selected field will appear on the right side of the screen.
  6. Provide any desired default text for the applicable fields, and drag-and-drop the fields into the desired order
  7. Click "save" button to save your changes
You can create custom fields to include in your medical note templates. To learn more about custom fields, please see working with custom fields.

To duplicate an existing medical note template:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "view medical notes"
  3. Click on the gear icon for template you wish to duplicate, and select "duplicate"
  4. Complete the form that appears, and click "save"

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