Reconciling cash

Reconciling cash

The "cash reconciliation" feature provides an easy way to reconcile cash transactions for each day.  The software will automatically tally all of the cash transactions that has occurred during that day and summarize those transactions, as well as any discrepancies, in the Daily Cash Reconciliation report.  A separate reconciliation should be created every day. 

To begin a new reconciliation at the start of the day:
  1. Click on "Billing"
  2. Click on "cash" and select "new reconciliation"
  3. Confirm the date for the reconciliation, enter a starting balance (we'll come back to the ending balance below), and click "save"
To close a reconciliation at the end of the day:
  1. Click on "Billing"
  2. Click on "cash" and select "view reconciliations"
  3. Click on gear icon for the current day's reconciliation, and select "edit reconciliation"
  4. Enter the ending balance only (very important!) and click "save"

Reviewing the Daily Cash Reconciliation report

The Daily Cash Reconciliation report itemizes all of the cash transactions for the selected period.  It uses the starting and ending balances provided for each reconciliation (see above) to calculate any discrepancies between the ending balance that was provided and the ending balance that the report calculated.  The Daily Cash Reconciliation report is available under the "billing" reports in Reports.
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