Submitting labs using the IDEXX integration

Submitting labs using the IDEXX integration

This article will discuss how to submit reference and in-house labs using the IDEXX integration.  For instructions on how to setup the IDEXX integration click here.

How to submit an integrated reference lab to IDEXX for processing:
  1. Create the lab record for the IDEXX reference lab in Vetter
  2. When prompted, print the IDEXX requisition form.  This form will include a barcode.  This barcode is used by the reference lab to send data back to Vetter
  3. Put the Vetter-printed IDEXX requisition form in the bag with the sample and send it to IDEXX for processing
  4. When the results are available, the doctor who submitted the lab will receive a task notification with a link to lab results for review
Warning: if you don't submit the Vetter-printed IDEXX requisition form with the sample, the results will not automatically come back to Vetter.

How to submit an in-house IDEXX lab request for processing:
  1. Create the lab record for the IDEXX in-house lab in Vetter
  2. Walk over to the VetLab Station and select the lab from the Pending list
  3. Enter the clip into the appropriate analyzer
  4. When complete, the results will be returned to Vetter and the doctor will receive a task notification with a link to lab results for review
You can view Vetter pending labs on your VetLab Station under Settings > Home Screen > Display Pending List.
Warning: if you do not follow the instructions above, the lab will be returned to "Unassigned Labs" located under the Patients tab in Vetter.  These labs can be mapped to the patient by clicking the gear icon and mapping the lab to the appropriate patient.  A new charge may appear on the client invoice as a result of this workflow.

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