Working with attachments

Working with attachments

Attachments can be uploaded to a medical record, a medical note, a patient's profile, and a client's profile.  Attachments can be in the form of images (e.g., jpg or png), documents (e.g., PDF or doc), or videos (e.g., mp4 or mov).   

To attach a file to a patient or client profile:
  1. Navigate to applicable patient or client
  2. Click on "documents," and select "new attachment"
  3. Drag the file from your computer's file manager to the "Attachment" field of the New Attachment form (or click the field to browse the files on your computer)
  4. Complete the rest of the form
  5. Click "save"
To attach a file to a medical record:
  1. Create a new medical record
  2. Drag the desired file(s) into the "documents" field at the bottom of the form
  3. Click "save + done"
To attach a file to a medical note:
  1. Navigate to the applicable medical note
  2. Click on "documents," and select "new attachment"
  3. Drag the file from your computer's file manager to the "Attachment" field of the New Attachment form (or click the field to browse the files on your computer)
  4. Complete the rest of the form
  5. Click "save"
To view all of the attachments for a patient or client:
  1. Navigate to the applicable patient or client profile
  2. Click on "documents" and select "view attachments"
You can upload multiple files at the same time, so long as the combined size of the uploads is 150MB or less.

When working on a mobile device (such as a tablet), you will be prompted to take a new photo or video, or to upload a photo or video from the device's library rather than being able to navigate to the device's desktop.

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