Working with estimates

Working with estimates

Estimates can be created as part of checking in an appointment, or manually in the Billing module.  Bundles can be used to generate estimate templates.  Once approved, estimates can be converted into invoices, which will also provide the option to create a medical note and the corresponding medical records.  For more information about working with bundles, please see managing bundles.

When using a bundle to create an estimate, you will have the option to define a low and high range for each item in that estimate.

To create an estimate at the time of check-in:
  1. Navigate to the applicable appointment
  2. Click on "check in"
  3. Select the applicable bundle, if desired
  4. Set the "billing field" to "estimate"
  5. Click "check in"
The checked in appointment will include a link to the estimate, until the estimate is converted to an invoice, after which, the appointment will include a link to the invoice.

To create an estimate from the Billing module:
  1. Click on "Billing"
  2. Click on "estimates" and select "new estimate"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save"
To add items to an estimate:
  1. Navigate to the applicable estimate
  2. Click on "items" and select "new item" to add an individual item, or "new bundle" to add a bundle
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save + done" to save the current item and close the form, or "save + add new" to save the current item and add a new item
To decline an item:
  1. Navigate to the applicable estimate
  2. Click on the gear icon next to the item you wish to decline, and select "decline item"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save"
Declined items will be moved to the "declined" tab of the estimate.  Once the estimate is converted to an estimate, the declined item will also appear under the "declined" tab of the invoice, along with the option to add the item back to the invoice.

To delete an item:
  1. Navigate to the applicable estimate
  2. Click on the gear icon next to the item you wish to delete, and select "delete item"
  3. Confirm your intent to delete the item
To approve an estimate:
  1. Navigate to the applicable estimate
  2. Click on "approve estimate"
  3. Complete the form that appears
A client's signature can be captured using any touch device.  The signature will be stored along with the estimate for future reference.

To convert an estimate to an invoice:
  1. Navigate to the applicable estimate
  2. Click on "convert to invoice"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "convert"
An estimate can only be converted to invoice after the estimate is approved.

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