Working with the attachments library

Working with the attachments library

The attachments library is a convenient way to store client handouts, and can be an alternative to using letters for documents that don’t require personalization.  Once uploaded, these attachments can be added to the documents folder manually or using actions.   

Adding Attachments to Library
To add an attachment to the library:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on “templates” and select the option to add a template
  3. Complete the form that appears (ensure that the “type” field is set to “attachment”)
Adding Attachments Using Actions
Actions can be used to automatically incorporate an attachment from the library into the documents folder of the applicable medical note or patient or client profiles.  Actions are defined in the applicable inventory item or bundle.  For more information about using actions, please see working with actions.

Adding Attachments Manually
Attachments can be added to the document folder of a medical note or a patient or client profile.  To add an attachment manually:
  1. Navigate to the applicable medical note or profile
  2. Click on “documents” and select the “new attachment” option
  3. In the form that appears, change the source field to “Attachments (library)” and select the attachments(s) you wish to add
  4. Complete the rest of the form as needed, and click “save”
Deleting Attachment from Library
To delete an existing attachment from the library:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on “Templates” and select the “view attachments” option
  3. Click on the gear icon for the attachment you wish to delete and select “delete attachment”
  4. Confirm your intent to delete the attachment
Once confirmed, the attachment will be deleted from actions and it will no longer be available for adding manually.  Prior uses of the attachment will not be impacted, and they will remain in the applicable history. 

You can now also add attachments from the LifeLearn integration. For more information please see the  LifeLearn ClientEd Integration article.

You can also annotate your image attachments such as dental or body charts. Please see the  Annotating images article for more information.

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