Working with appointments

Working with appointments

Appointments can be created, changed, and cancelled in the Schedule module.  

To create an appointment:
  1. Click anywhere on the schedule
  2. The first page of the form defines all of the appointment details, including the complaint, the client and patient, and provider.  If you leave the client and patient fields blank, the appointment will simply create a block on the schedule.  Click "next."
  3. The second page of the form allows you to confirm an existing client's contact information and reminder preference.  Click "next" after you confirm this information.
  4. The final page of the form allows you to send the client a confirmation, as well as set an appointment reminder to be sent at a later time.  Click "save" to complete the process. 
A new client and/ or patient profile can be created from the appointment form by clicking on the "add client" link that appears in the "clients" field, or the "add patient" link that appears in the "patients" field.  When a new patient is created, it will automatically be assigned to the selected client. 

To change an existing appointment:
  1. Click on the appointment
  2. Click on the "edit" link at the bottom of the form
  3. Make the desired changes and save the appointment
You can drag-and-drop appointments to automatically change the time or date of the appointment without having to click on "edit."  You can also extend or reduce the length of the appointment by dragging the bottom of the appointment block up or down. 

To cancel an existing appointment:
  1. Click on the appointment
  2. Click on the "Cancel" link at the bottom of the form
  3. Complete the cancellation form that appears and click "save."
You can review a patient's or client's appointment history by viewing appointments in the "appointments" tab of the patient or client profile.

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