Working with actions

Working with actions

Actions are events that are automatically triggered when a particular record is created for the item to which the action is assigned. For example, actions can be used to change a patient’s status or to automatically print out a rabies certificate. Actions include the ability to change a patient’s status to deceased or inactive, change the patient’s sex to neutered or spayed, print a rabies, vaccination or reminders certificate, create tasks, and disable the reminders for related items.  Multiple actions can be assigned to the same item or to a bundle.

The following is a summary of the actions that are currently available:
  • Print Certificate - Prints a rabies, vaccination or reminder certificate to the printer of your choice (if Google Cloud Print is enabled), or opens the certificate in a new browser tab for printing
  • Change Patient Status - Changes the patient's status to inactive or deceased, and provides the option to disable the patient's reminders
  • Change Patient Sex - Changes the patient's sex to spayed/neutered
  • Create Reminder - Creates a reminder for the applicable item
  • Create Task - Creates a task for your staff
  • Disable Reminder - Completes any active reminder for another inventory item (or items)
  • Create Letter -  Generates one or more letters into the applicable medical note or patient profile
Actions are triggered when a new record is created for the applicable inventory item.  The "actions" field that appears when creating a new record will list all of the actions associated with that item.  Specific actions can be disabled on a case-by-case basis by clicking on the "x" next to the applicable set of actions.  You can also click the field "actions" field to add back any action that was removed. 

To add an action to an inventory item :
  1. Navigate to the applicable inventory item
  2. Click "actions" and select "new action"
  3. Complete the form that appears, including by selecting the desired action and completing the additional values associated with the action
To add an action to a bundle:
  1. Navigate to the applicable bundle (for more information about bundles, see managing bundles)
  2. Click "actions" and select "new action"
  3. Complete the form that appears, including by selecting the desired action and completing the additional values associated with the action
A bundle will inherit an item's actions by default when that item is added to the bundle.

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