Working with letters

Working with letters

Letters are used as communication templates, such as consent forms, referral letters, and client education.  Letter templates can include variables to automatically personalize the letter with a click.  Letter templates are managed in Settings, and can be used in medical notes, patient profile, and client profile.  Letters can be formatted in much the same way as a document in Word can be formatted.

To create a letter template:
  1. Click on "Settings"
  2. Click on "templates" and select "new template"
  3. Complete the form that appears (make sure to select "letter" as the type") and click save.  You will be redirected to a blank letter template.
  4. Enter your letter content
  5. Format the content as desired
  6. Insert the applicable variable from the left side of the page
  7. Click "save"
To edit an existing letter template:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "view letters"
  3. Click on the name of the applicable template
  4. Make the desired changes
  5. Click "save"
To use a letter template in a medical note:
  1. Navigate to the applicable medical note
  2. Click on "documents" and select "new letter"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save."  You will then be redirected to the letter, which will appear in print preview mode.
Edits made to a letter will only apply to the current letter - they will not change the template that was used to generate that letter. 

To use a letter template in a patient or client profile:
  1. Navigate to the applicable patient or client profile
  2. Click on "documents" and select "new letter"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save"
To use a letter template when checking in:
  1. Click on "Schedule"
  2. Click on the applicable appointment
  3. Click on "check in"
  4. Select the letter(s) you wish to print in the "print letters" field
  5. Complete the check in process
For more information about checking in an appointment, please see checking in and checking out appointments.

To delete a letter template:
  1. Click on "Settings"
  2. Click on "templates" and select "view letters"
  3. Click on the gear icon next to the letter you wish to delete and select "delete template"
  4. Confirm your intent to delete the letter template
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