Managing bundles

Managing bundles

Bundles are groupings of inventory items.  Bundles allow for the creation of multiple medical records at the same time, and are available when checking in an appointment, adding records to a patient's history, in a medical note, in an invoice, and in an estimate.

To create a bundle:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "new template"
  3. Complete the form that appears - be sure to select "bundle" as the type
  4. Click "save" - you will be redirected to a new bundle page
To add items to your bundle:
  1. Click on "items" and select the option to add an item
  2. Complete the form that appears, including by selecting the following:
  • Item - Select the inventory item you wish to include in the bundle
  • Quantity - Set the default quantity of the selected item that will be used when the bundle is selected
  • Price - When used in a bundle, the price of the item can default to the same price that applies when the item is sold on its own, or it can be set as a custom price
  • Print on Invoice - This determines whether the item will appear on invoices that are printed or emailed to clients
  • Actions - An items actions will be inherited by the bundle (additional actions can also be created for the bundle under the "Actions" tab)
        3.  Click "save + done" to save the item and close the form, or "save + add new" to save the item and add another item

To add an action to the bundle:
  1. Click on "actions" and select "add action"
  2. Complete the form that appears (for more information about actions, see working with actions)
  3. Click "save + done" to save the action and close the form, or "save + add new" to save the action and add another action
Certain actions (such as printing certificates) are not available in bundles because the information required to generate the certificate (such as tag numbers) is not set until after the records are created.

To edit an existing bundle:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "view bundles"
  3. Click on the applicable bundle
  4. Make the desired edits
To delete an existing bundle:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "view bundles"
  3. Click on the gear icon for applicable bundle and select "delete template"
  4. Confirm your intend to delete the bundle
To duplicate an existing bundle:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on "templates" and select "view bundles"
  3. Click on the the applicable bundle
  4. Click on "duplicate" in the blue navigation bar
  5. Complete the form that appears and click "save"

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