Recording inventory purchases

Recording inventory purchases

Purchases are used to update an inventory item's balance, costs, and related lot number information.  Purchases are recorded in the inventory item's profile.  Manually created purchases should be used whenever the purchase is made from a non-integrated supplier (i.e., MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical).  Purchases made from an integrated supplier can be recorded automatically using the ordering and receiving functionality in the Inventory dashboard.  For more information about ordering and receiving, please see  using the MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical integrations to purchase and receive inventory.

To record a purchase:
  1. Navigate to the applicable inventory item
  2. Click on "purchases" and select "new purchase"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save"
To add a new supplier:
  1. Navigate to the CONTACTS module
  2. Click "New Company"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "Save + Done"
Here's a video that walks you through the steps for recording a purchase.

Purchases can also be added to an inventory item via a 'New Receipt' within the Inventory Dashboard. If the clinic has multiple purchases to add to their inventory, they can do one 'New Receipt' from a supplier and the purchase will be added to the applicable inventory item from the receipt. 

To learn how to add a new receipt, click here

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