Ordering inventory through MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical integrations

Ordering inventory through MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical integrations

If you purchase supplies from MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical, you can take advantage of our integrations with these companies to streamline the process for ordering inventory.

After the applicable integration is enabled, the ordering and receiving process is the same for all of these suppliers - (1) create and populate an order, (2) submit the order to the supplier, and (3) create and post the receipt.  

This article covers the enabling and ordering through the integrations.  The receiving process is summarized  here.

To enable the integration:
  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on “add-ons”
  3. Click on the “plus” icon next to the integration you wish to enable
  4. Complete the form that appears
  5. Click “enable”
To create an order:
  1. Click on "Inventory"
  2. Click on "orders" and select "new order"
  3. Complete the form that appears
  4. Click "save"
To add items to an order:
  1. Click on “items” and select “new item”
  2. Complete the form that appears
  3. Click “save + done” to save the current item and close the form, or “save + add new” to save the current item and add a new item
Items will appear as they do in the applicable supplier’s catalog, including the supplier’s product number.  

The price and availability of item will appear in real time after you select an item.

To submit an order to the supplier:
  1. Click on "Submit Order" within the order
  2. Confirm your intent to submit the order
Once an order is submitted you will no longer be able to make any changes to it. Please contact the applicable supplier to make any changes.

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